Public and shared spaces, such as offices, businesses, healthcare facilities, restaurants, and schools, are breeding grounds for bacteria, viruses, dust, allergens, mold spores, harsh chemicals, and odors.
- The average person spends 90% of their time indoors.
- The air in your home can be 5 to 100 times more polluted than the air outside.
- Indoor air pollution is one of the leading factors for premature death
- OH-Feel helps prevent the spread of disease.
- OH-Feel Hydroxyl Air & Surface Sanitization System neutralizes bacteria, viruses, gasses, VOCs, mold, chemicals, odors, and allergens up to 99.999%
- Indoor air pollution can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat; headaches, dizziness, and fatigue; respiratory diseases; heart disease; and cancer.
- Typical air purifiers/filters are not effective against sick air, including viruses, bacteria and mold, which is increasingly threatening physical and mental activity.
OH-Feel – Healthy Environment – Healthy Living
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Hydroxyls (OH) are naturally occurring when the sun’s ultraviolet rays react with water vapor. Hydroxyls power the Earth’s atmospheric cleansing and sanitizing cycle and keep our atmosphere clean and livable. Hydroxyls are often referred to as “nature’s detergent”. The OH-FEEL sanitizer copies nature’s process, to keep indoor air and surfaces fresh and sanitized.
Destroy, on contact, all types of airborne pathogens, both bacteria and viruses.
Alter the surfaces of allergens, such as pollens, mold spores, dust mite excretions, pet dander and cat saliva, so that they no longer cause allergic reactions.
Break down all polluting gases susceptible to oxidation, including those problematic for humans, such as ammonia, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde – progressively removing them from the atmosphere.
React with VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in less than 100 milliseconds; initiating a series of chain reactions that decompose VOCs and their by- products, keeping air safe to breathe.
Oxidize all long chain organic odors in seconds and, over a longer time scale, short chain and inorganic odors as well.
Vaporize carbon based ultra-fine particles to carbon dioxide.
Hydroxyls attack harmful contaminants, but not us! Hydroxyls are safe for humans, pets, and plants.
The OH-FEEL hydroxyl system does not require pollutants to pass through the unit as traditional air filters require. Hydroxyl radicals are emitted throughout the room using the cascading effect to reach all the air and all the surfaces, no matter where in the room. The dynamic nature of the hydroxyl molecule results in the destruction of any bacteria and virus it contacts by penetrating their cell walls and removes any volatile organic chemicals such as chlorine and ammonia by changing their chemical composition.
The hydroxyls attack the mold spores and cut the food source thus rendering the mold inert.
The results start immediately once the system is turned on. The unit generates hydroxyl radicals that go out to seek and destroy odors, germs, viruses, bacteria, allergens, TVOC’s. The system will quickly remove odors in about 2 hours depending on the concentration and the corresponding space. The effect will be noticeable. If the pollutant concentration is severe, it may take longer for the system to neutralize all problems. It is advisable to run the system continuously in high traffic areas and less often, as you see fit, in home circumstances once the initial sanitizing is completed. The space can be regularly ventilated after treatment.
Hydroxyls themselves do not have a smell, but when interacting and neutralizing contaminants there may be a short odor noticeable that will be quickly eliminated once all the room has been sanitized. The length and noticeability will vary depending on how contaminated the room is. Once the initial decontamination is completed you should only smell clean fresh air.
If the underlying cause of the contaminants still exists, then keeping the system running continuously will keep it at bay. For example, mold will return if moisture is still seeping into a room, or pet smells or humans carrying bacteria and viruses. Paint smells, furniture smells, plastic smells and cooking smells will all be irradicated unless new source pollutants are reintroduced to the room.
All traditional filter-based air purifiers (including HEPA, Electrostatic, UVC and PCO) share the same basic failings: they only filter out some types of pollutants, not all, and they only clean the air that passes right through them:
- Filter-based technologies only reach their maximum level of pollution reduction (typically around 50% - Novoselac & Siegel 2009) after more than an hour.
- Filters remove particles from the air passing through the filter but the filtered air they emit is immediately re-contaminated by mixing.
- Stratification (caused by warm air rising) and eddies (circling air), and the fact that existing air is constantly being replaced by new air from outside, means that much of the air in a room will never even pass through the filter. This effect is often compounded by a lack of filter 'suction' compared to room size.
- Filters typically only capture particulates, not gaseous pollution.
- As filters don't produce a hydroxyl cascade, they don't clean surfaces or neutralize viruses, bacteria, mold, or pollens within the room.
- While larger, more powerful, noisier fans can filter more air, in practical terms they can never overcome these failings.
They destroy, on contact, all types of air and surface borne pathogens — bacteria, viruses, and mold spores.
They react with TVOCs (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) in less than 100 milliseconds, initiating a series of chain reactions that decompose VOCs and their by-products — keeping air safe to breathe.
They alter the surfaces of allergens — such as pollens, mold spores, dust mite excretions, pet dander and cat saliva— so that they no longer cause allergic reactions.
They oxidize all long chain organic odors in seconds and, over a longer time scale, short chain, and inorganic odors as well — removing smells from the air.
They break down and remove all polluting gases susceptible to oxidation, including ammonia, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde.
They vaporize carbon based ultra-fine particles.